Geodemographic data refers to location-based data that categorises individuals based on where they live and their demographic profile. Geodemographic attributes are derived from New Zealand Census data to provide an aggregate view of credit risk indicators based on where the individual lives.
Geodemographic data is only used in circumstances where there is very limited credit information available on the credit file.
The most common instance where geodemographic information may be used is when a credit file is created for the first time or if an individual’s credit file has been inactive for a number of years.
Of all applications for credit received by Equifax, approximately 15% have no or only limited credit information.
For these Kiwis, the lack of credit information creates barriers for access to credit. People with no or limited credit information may find themselves: denied access to credit, asked to find a guarantor, or be required to provide a greater amount of documentation.
Equifax is committed to greater financial inclusion and enabling more people to access credit they can manage. Geodemographic data, when it is correlated to credit risk, provides the opportunity to narrow the information gap impacting people with little or no credit information.